In this blog we are going to explain the saddle line of Equiline for you! Equiline is an Italian brand that has been well known in equestrian sports for many years in the field of equestrian clothing and horse accessories. They have now also mixed this Italian elegance and style with artisanal know-how and added a very innovative saddle line to the range. The combination of craftsmanship, the best raw materials and the use of Equiline's exclusive patented technologies mean that they have created a perfect saddle line with comfort and balance for riders of all levels.
Saddle for two They have created a "saddle for two" by combining respect for the horse with comfort for the rider in a perfect mix of materials such as heat-sensitive memory fibers, comfort gel and high-strength rubber in a design approved by a team of veterinarians and osteopaths . Equiline uses full grain calf leather which is vegetable tanned with natural tannins. This environmentally friendly process requires a slow maturing time and results in very durable and soft leather which ensures optimal grip for the rider.
Technology Equiline uses the following technologies in the different types and models of saddles they make. CORESHIELD TECHNOLOGY is specially designed to provide more stability where it is needed. As a result, the material is less heavily loaded during unexpected movements that cause torsion processes that affect the skeletal and muscle structure of the horse, and therefore have fewer consequences for the horse. It gives a constant mass distribution and maintains the elasticity and flexibility of the tree. IGS TECHNOLOGY is Equiline's Integrated Gel System that is incorporated into the seat and contains the following properties; - Absorbs shock vibrations to the pelvis and lower back -Reduces biomechanical stress -Promotes optimal posture -Reduces muscle tension in the pelvic area -Reduces the vibration felt on the horse's back FLAPGRIP TECHNOLOGY from Equiline consists of rubber inserts on the saddle. This gives the rider a better and firmer leg position and reduces wear and tear in this area.
Customization Customization options are available for all different models. This involves looking at the size and depth of the seat and the leg position and length of the rider. There is also a choice of filling for the cushions for many models. T-FLEX are foam-filled panels that always retain their original shape. T-WOOL are synthetic wool-filled panels that are fully adaptable to the horse's anatomy. TECHNOAIR panels are a combination of foam on the bottom and synthetic wool on the top with a layer of ACS3 Shock Absorber Plus in between. This is a material that contains a lot of air due to its construction. All these different options and details can be discussed while fitting the saddles according to the wishes and needs of rider and horse. Equiline also has a complete line of accessories such as girths, stirrups and straps and bridles and harnesses to make it complete. For more information, we are happy to help you in our showroom or on location by appointment or first view the products in our webshop.